Thursday, June 3, 2010

General Nonsense

The above is an exert from a Japanese comic about a girl named Yotsuba. She's a darling.

This food column @ Salon absolutely must be read.

You won't regret it. It's totally tight.

This, you may regret seeing though.

The girl's accent was probably the weirdest part. This is not tight.

(Maybe I should have called this blog Typical Chazz...)

Yeah, here at the Muddle, we're all about in-jokes that no one else gets. It helps reinforce my loneliness.

Batman is both a fibber, and an idiot.

The Penny Arcade guys are doing another D&D podcast. I don't know if you listened to these Tom and Steve, but here's the link to the new one.

A truly inappropriate trailer for a movie:

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