Friday, July 2, 2010

It's Over

Brazil's surprise outster from the World Cup pretty much ends me in the pool, but I think it was the heartbreaking loss by Ghana to Uruguay in a shootout due to cheating that really was awful. (it also prevented Ghana from becoming the first African team to make the semi-finals)

Uruaguayan player Suarez blocked two sure-goal rebounds on the goal in the final seconds of extra time, batting one with his hand. Sure he was spotted and Ghana awarded a penalty kick, (Usually a sure thing --but Ghana's player Gyan missed!) but it's still cheating.

Rule of thumb: If it ever goes to a shootout in any sport; the bad guys win.

1 comment:

  1. Really, Uruguay? Was that necessary?
    A whole continent was looking forward to this one soccer tournament, and you just had to dash their hopes and dreams.
    And to add insult to injury, they were beaten by a country whose name is basically "You are gay".
    It’s bad enough that Ghana sounds so much like " Gonorrhea ", but to have their sexuality questioned too? It’s just too much.
    Maybe Brazil and Ghana can get together and just fool around on the pitch, and pretend they’re playing for the world cup?
    I suggest that we all take up a collection to buy a new world cup to award the winner.
