Friday, December 10, 2010

Mighty Dorks

It's funny how watching an old movie from your childhood can either be entertaining or make you wish you were never a kid. Take for example, The Mighty Ducks.

One of the turning points in the movie is the insistence of the Duck's coach, (Emilio Estevez) that one of the kids on the evil empire pee-wee hockey team, (The Hawks) has to play for his team and not the one his friends are on and his brother was on. He justifies this with talk of how being a team is about being together and more than just winning, but it's clear that Estevez is only insisting on the enforcement of some provision that will force this kid to play on a team he doesn't want to because Estevez expects that kid to help his team win. It's totally hypocritical and goes totally against everything he's preaching.

About the fascist Hawks. They wear Black, they and their crowd chant, "Win! Win! Win!" their arena is back-lit red and decorated with a huge hanging American Flag like from Patton, and let's just say there's no hesitation on "sweeping the leg" a la The Karate Kid. Heck, the child actually stands over his victim and impersonates Ivan Drago killing Apollo Creed. They also must be taking performance enhancing drugs because how else can a pee-wee team based on regional lines in a single state actually win every year?

The titular Ducks meet their state's NHL team, the Minnesota North Stars. That team moved to Dallas the year after this movie. Sadly for those who appreciate dark comedy, they did not move to California and become the Anaheim Mighty Ducks (Also founded the year after this movie) as those Ducks were just an expansion team.

Does the kid take the final penalty shot while not wearing a helmet? Is that not a rule violation in pee-wee hockey?

Emelio Estevez... jeez. He is appropriately enough; to Charlie Sheen what Joe Estevez is to Martin Sheen. He's so similar, but there's no charisma at all. Guess neither of the Estevezes did enough drugs.

Sadly, it is probably not one of the worst hockey movies out there. Although I think most of the movies its better than are other Mighty Ducks movies.

1 comment:

  1. Geezus, why not just crap on all of Emilio's work?

    Also, Repoman rawks! No deficite of drugs or hookers can take that away.
