Friday, December 10, 2010

Go Speed Racer, Go Speed Racer, Go!

Work was busy this week on one of my least favorite desks, with a lot of stuff going down that I couldn't even keep track of. Fortunately, after a trough on Thursday with system issues, everything went right on Friday and I can leave with things where I left them. Mostly. I mean basically I got the gist of it and everything's in order.

See this is a picture from the movie The Ruins.
It's subtle because the movie was bad, like my week.

Is it wierd that I watched some Youtube videos of F-Zero GX and now want to watch the Speed Racer movie? Or will that be another bad movie like.... House of the Dead

Here's a link to a trailer for the Thomas Beale Cipher, one of the enchanting short films I saw at the Afterdark film fest back in August. I'm curious as to whether I'll be able to see the planned other parts, if its difficult to find the first online. (I mean, do I have to find what festivals it shows at?)

However, I think this is the entirety of Frank DanCoolo -Paranormal Drug Dealer.
Watch it and be amazed.

I've got some big plans for Christmas. Plans that will fix you good. That involve cooking. Not that I'm fixing Christmas dinner...because I'm not doing that. You'll see. But don't expect to be pleased. It won't be pleasing.

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