Saturday, October 16, 2010

We ARGOing down!

So I thought I was going to an important Canadian Football game between Toronto and Hamilton for second place in CFL East Friday night, but I thought that meant both teams would show up.

30-3 was just depressing. I was sitting in a good spot but I still didn't get so see the Toronto Argo'nots do anything. I saw the opposing team do plenty of cool things, but it's hard to feel good about jumping TD catches when they provoke more chants of, "Holy mackinaw, Tigers eat 'em raw!" from the half-drunk Hamilton fans.

When I bought my last ticket for the bronze section through a concierge last time I had paid about the same as I would for these seats in the touchdown zone. Maybe it was because I brought my glasses this time, but I could see more. I couldn't estimate the movement up and down the field well, but I did know what people were doing. I had some trouble doing that from the bronze zone which was diagonal from most of the action. Also, I think I was a lot less cramped. That may have been because there were few sitting next to me, or maybe the backless benches in the touchdown zone had more room than the small chairs in the bronze area. I notice plenty of people actually standing on the concourse level above the seats, just leaning on the railing to watch the game rather than sitting. It's a good view. (Note the sixth picture) But then I've come to find standing at an event to fairly comfortable when I saw soccer games in the fanatic section.


At half-time there was the Wendy's Kick for a Million, in which the kicker won $36,000 for his final kick going 36 yards, and a car for successfully kicking from the 30 yard line. It's neat that this contest both guarantees some money, and also is certain to have someone capable of at least a little well, due to the elimination rounds. I took note of the fact that someone dressed up as a Frosty was on side for this event. Fortunately he didn't knock out Matt Dunigan and carjack the winnings.

Never turn your back on a Milkshake though.

The Skydome makes good use of downtime during a game with contests, prizes, and tomfoolery. Stuff like dancing, having people build a Baconater in 30 seconds, or trying to get the Saskatchewan Roughriders to kiss each other. The stadium is a part of the entertainment.

1 comment:

  1. Nice pictures.
    If that doesn't count as giving him the business, I don't know what does.
